You are worthy.

I want y’all to hear me and hear me loud and clear. NO ONE IS WORTH LOSING SLEEP OR SANITY OVERI If you feel alone? I’ll hold your hand. If you need to vent, scream or cry? I will listen without speaking a word. If you are hurting? I’ll hug you until it’s better. IContinue reading “You are worthy.”

Addicting Chicken Noodle Soup

Okay….I love a good soup recipe especially this time of year…it is my fave! Especially because you can freeze it, modify it, have nice leftovers…anything is possible! And just look at this – doesn’t that look yummy?? Let’s get to it shall we? INGREDIENTS: 3 cups cooked shredded or chopped chicken breast (You can alsoContinue reading “Addicting Chicken Noodle Soup”

Easy Strawberry and Blueberry Tart with Vanilla Glaze

Alright, I want to make one thing clear…I am not exactly sure HOW this turned out so great, because without telling a lie – I was about elbows deep into a bottle of wine when I made this…so I cannot make any promises that THIS recipe will work for anyone. I took one recipe andContinue reading “Easy Strawberry and Blueberry Tart with Vanilla Glaze”