
She is everything you profess her to be. You look at her and see the world. You see forever. You see the person you’ve always imagined and more.

But she isn’t the one for you. And you aren’t the one for her.

She is what you dreamt of. The person you envisioned life with.

But she isn’t good enough.

She is good enough to hold when the nights are lonely. To keep a body and bed warm.

She is good enough when things are rough and you need someone to listen and be there.

But the second she needs you. Needs someone. You are nowhere to be found.

She is not your good time girl nor is she your in-between when life is at an impasse.

She isn’t someone whose self-worth is based on your opinion or how you feel about her.

She is her whole self, and everything that is worthy and valuable without you needing to justifty it for her.

She is a woman that has spent time healing, growing, and fighting for what she deserves, and what she deserves is someone that knows what they want.

She is whole without your half ass effort.

She is worthy of a genuine love, connection, and happiness.

She is better off without you being a wayward stray that is lost and lonely just looking for a good time.

Published by Fe

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