How Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Changed My Life.

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What is Gracie Jiu-Jitsu?

The complete Gracie Family history far exceeds what is included in any article you may read. Much of what is in text form will discuss just the most significant details that have taken place over the course of three generations. Attached is a link for the in-depth information (

So why did I do this?

This last year has been full of lessons, challenges, and transition. I lost the one person I thought was “my person” – I watched my heart shatter like a glass falling down on concrete in slow motion. It is an Earth shattering pain I don’t wish for anyone to ever experience. And, sometimes all it takes is losing someone to make you feel like you’ve lost yourself, too. But that’s the thing…you shouldn’t ever lose yourself when losing someone else.

Life has a funny way of making things happen. There is always that “something else” that just stops you dead in your tracks. I found myself going through yet another break-up. I’ll just say this – break-ups are hard. Regardless, they have their own version of hurt and suck. I will never lie about that. My trust was broken, and there was this heavy amount of disappointment on my heart. At this point I am just exhausted – depleted of what positive energy I had because all I know how to do is give 100% and to have that reciprocated in half or less is just disheartening. 

So, this finally put me on this journey to self-healing, self-love, and self-care I owed myself. The healing I deserved. I had to take a look at myself in the mirror and re-learn to love that woman staring back at me. I knew I needed change. I knew I needed to make a difference for myself. And I was ready to dive right into the deep end – head first.

I wanted to feel better – mentally, physically, and spiritually.

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And let the changes begin

I was scrolling through Facebook, and found a 10 Day Promo for this Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Certified Training Center right in my neck of the woods. I sat on the idea for a couple of days and thought, well, it is now or never right? I have NEVER done anything like this in my life, ever. I have always wondered about it. Watched MMA. Watched friends do this sort of thing but definitely thought it was not for me.

So I signed up online. Walked in, and almost walked right back out. I was scared and completely uncertain of what I was doing. My now instructor must have caught on to that and encouraged me to stay and reassured me that it would be just fine. And he was right. It was after that first day that I dedicated ten consistent days of doing something I was terrified of. I did this mid-June. I pushed myself to go every single day I could go to train. I even brought my kid with me.


Fast forward? It is now the end of July and I am proud to say I JUST GOT MY FIRST STRIPE ON MY BELT!!!! HARD WORK AND DEDICATION PAYS OFF! And damn this feels good y’all.

I wish I could articulate in words the feelings I felt, what was running through my head, and how bad I wanted to just cry tears of joy and victory. This has been the most rewarding thing I have done for myself in who knows how long. This journey – this step – this lifestyle change has completely changed my life: mentally, physically and spiritually.

I have no regrets. ZERO.

Everyone at this training center, I now consider family. Everyone helps one another, and there is no judgment. This place is now like a second home for me. When I’m on the mat every worry, stress, or nagging part of my day just disappears. And, once I’m off the mat I feel empowered and stronger than when I walked in.

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What now?

As I stated Gracie Jiu-Jitsu has changed my life. 110%. It has taught me that I am stronger than I have ever allowed myself to believe or think. It has given me a sense of rebirth. I feel like a phoenix. I have this next level confidence, strength, and empowerment I probably had all along but am just now fully embracing. And before you think you are too small, weak or not fit for this? Bigger, powerful, and stronger does not always equate to being the winner. Being big and strong has its benefits yet it means nothing if you have zero technique or wisdom backing that strength. But add the wisdom, add the technique, and add the confidence to any person well now you have a game changer. 

I encourage everyone to give something new a chance, something out of your comfort zone – just give it an honest chance. See what happens the moment you step outside of your comfort zone. I can almost guarantee you the second you give being uncomfortable a chance is when things begin to make sense – the flow happens. The transition and comfort in vulnerability just clicks.

Stay consistent with that and the results can be uncanny. Once you see what your body can do both inside and out – you realize that it isn’t really that scary. Fear prevents us from doing many things but don’t allow it to control you – let you control it.

Embrace your journey – no matter how many times you fall, get right back up because it doesn’t matter how you get there – wherever it is you are going, just as long as you get there.

Battle scars and all.

Published by Fe

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